Presenter bios
ANGELA PAOLA SQUASSINA, a graduate of IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia), PhD. in Heritage Preservation (Milan Polytechnic) and post.grad. in restoration at the University of Genoa, since 1998 has been actively involved in researching and education at the Università Iuav di Venezia and at the Polytechnic of Milan (2017-2021), also giving lectures in graduate and post graduate schools, both in Italy and abroad. At present she is an assistant professor of architectural preservation at the Università Iuav di Venezia and at its Specialisation School of Architectural and Landscape Heritage.
Her main research interests are the topic of preservation and architectural stratigraphy. For several years she has been studying medieval painted brickwork and rising damp problems in Venice, focusing on the maintenance of building features and surfaces, supporting traditional craftsmanship and enhancing intergenerational connections between local craftsmen and university students.
She has attended both national and international conventions about Heritage and written books and several articles about Venice’s building features and structural behaviour throughout time (2011, co-author), about knowledge and preservation of historic surfaces (2017, co-author), as well as the monograph “Tempo che distrugge, tempo che conserva”, about the importance of the perception of time in preservation.
ILARIA CAVAGGIONI is an architect and official of the Archaeological, Beaux Arts and Landscape Superintendence for Venice and Lagoon.
Grad. Rome University la Sapienza in 1988, after a professional activity in the field of Heritage Preservation, in 2000 she took up service at the Superintendence where she coordinates Heritage safeguarding, developing research, plans and construction supervision on the most significant monuments in Venice – Procuratie Nuove in San Marco Square, Biblioteca Marciana, Accademia Galleries, Frari Basilica and Bell Tower and other more.
Since 2010 she has been a technical co-ordinator of the Superintendence working group by the technical Landscape Committee to make the the Regional Landscape Plan.
From 2005 to 2010 she has been teaching Architectural Restoration at the l’Università Iuav di Venezia.
ALESSANDRA FERRIGHI, previously Assistant Professor in History of Architecture at Iuav, is now responsible of the research by the Foundation Scuola beni attività culturali in Rome.
She's the author of the monograph Venice and Healthier Homes: Urban planning and premium housing (1892-1925) (2020) and editor of the volume Venezia di carta (2018), concerning the last two centuries of uncompleted projects in Venice. She has written several articles and papers about urban history of Venice at the end of the 19th century, and also of the urban riconstruction plans after the Vajont disaster in 1963 and the Venzone earthquake in 1976.
She has coordinated several research groups over the years: the CORILA 2001-2006 financed research; Visualizing Venice between 2012 and 2018; the Cluster SM&ST – The Social Museum and Smart Tourism from 2014 to 2018; the FSE research Parco multimediale delle Mura di Padova: valorizzazione di paesaggi e percorsi culturali in un’ottica creativa e innovativfrom 2017 al 2018; In particular, she deal with Digital Humanities, di Historical GIS, and more generally, of ICT and the related repercussions on urban history; organization of exhibitions with digital products to disseminate the phenomena and history of the places to the general public.
She has participated in numerous national and international conferences, organized by the Italian Association of Urban History (AISU), the European Association for Urban History (EAUH), the Interdepartmental Research Center on Iconography of the European City (CIRICE) and other centers of Research.
ENRICO VETTOREis Venetian and a graduate in Economy from Ca’ Foscari class of 1967, He had served as the coordinator of the artisans’ activities of the Venetian Artisans’ Association since 1995, as well as the head of the teaching programme and innovation services for the associated companies. He wrote the report “Artigianato veneziano a rapporto” (edizioni Confartigianato Venezia – 2003). He is cowriter of “Ariffaraffa” (ed. La Toletta – 2019). He has also participated in the preparation of a number of publications on issues related to crafts and small businesses.
CONFARTIGIANATO IMPRESE VENEZIA with its 1,500 associated companies distributed throughout the insular Venice, has been representing artisan organizations in the area for seventy-five years. It works alongside all those who have a passion for their craft, who believe in themselves and in their abilities, and who want to test themselves. It promotes the manufacturing history of the city along with the pride, skill and competence of the artisans and small entrepreneurs who work and create jobs.
Their teaching role is particularly important, planning and developing continuing education for artisans and their employees, aiming to maintain and develop creative and traditional skills and trades, as well as supporting digital innovation.
Promuove studi, ricerche e progetti finalizzati alla salvaguardia e alla valorizzazione delle diverse realtà dell’artigianato locale.
The Association also has a social responsibility, by supporting local residents and family companies, which are very important for the community, in its main headquarters in the historical centre and in four local offices at Lido and in Murano, Burano, Pellestrina, Ca’ Savio. Confartigianato Venezia joins the regional and national Associations (Confartigianato Imprese) to help safeguard the excellence of “beautiful and well-made handicraft”.
A livello regionale e nazionale aderisce a Confartigianato Imprese per tutelare insieme ai vari livelli l’eccellenza del “bello e ben fatto”.
GIORGIO BERTO. After attending Università Iuav di Venezia, he worked for a long time with Mario Fogliata, a master artisan in making traditional Venetian plasters, stucco and decorations, and later on he collaborated with other artisans like Mario Schiavini e Franco Fogliata.
Since 2001 he has been the master plasterer of Unisve (Venice), and a tutor and teacher of both Italian and foreign trainees. Since 2010 he has been teaching traditional and modern plastering techniques both to university students and to professionals, in collaboration with the Artisans’ and Architects Associations or with Villa Fabris European School in Thiene (VI).
He has be invited to a number of conventions, talked about his professional experiences and contributed to the book “Conoscenza e restauro degli intonaci e delle superfici murarie di Venezia” (Il Prato, 2017) with a series of samples of traditional lime-and-sand, cocciopesto and marmorino plasters.
FRATELLI FELTRACCO. The company is renowned and known in the construction and restoration of Venetian-style terraces and pastelloni, in particular of terracotta and lime, in the creation of mosaics with historical reproduction of the same and in the laying of floors with any type of marble and stone of our processing; in particular the company operate in the Italian and European area in Villas and Historical-Cultural-Monumental and Sacral Palaces. Realizza su commessa oggettistica per interior design.
The company produces objects for interior design using natural products and working with the most varied and prestigious natural lands in the world. They operate with products dating back to the Renaissance period and with cutting-edge systems, such as an exclusive completely dry sanding and immediate dust extraction of the floors.
Their mission is to safeguard historic floors, enhancing new floors using the same old and old materials, completely natural, biocompatible and extremely bio-cyclable materials, incorporating the reuse of natural materials and the non-use of harmful or harmful products—therefore respectful of man and the environment.
PEREGRINE BRYANT (AABC RIBA MA Dip Arch – Cantab) studied architecture at Cambridge University under Sir Leslie Martin. On leaving Cambridge in 1969, he worked for the GLC Housing Division. He soon joined the practice of Benson, founded in the 1950’s by Jeremy Benson an his wife Patricia, specialising in historic building work. In 1980 he became a partner in this practice, thereafter known as Benson & Bryant. Upon Jeremy Benson’s retirement in October 1994 Peregrine Bryant Architecture and Building Conservation was formed and now operates fro offices in the courtyard at Fulham Palace.
Peregrine has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with many of his clients, some for over thirty years, Clients have included The National Trust, The Landmark Trust, The Vivat Trust, The Harris (Belmont) Charity, The Crown Estate, The Travellers’ and Boodle’s Clubs, as well as many private clients.
He is an Architect Accredited in Building Conservation and a member of th ARB and RIBA. He is on the approved list of the London Diocesan Council. He is also a member of ASCHB, SPAB, Georgian Group (of which he is a Vice Chairman) The Victoria Society, The Friends of the Georgian Society of Jamaica (Chairman), the Surveyors’ Club, and a member the Franco-British Union of Architects.
LAURA MORGANTE (MSc BArch, ARB, RIBA, CA) studied architecture at “La Sapienza” University of Rome and Conservation at “The Conservation of Monuments School” in Rome. During her MSc she worked for Prof. Giovanni Carbonara (Conservation of Monuments’ School Director).
Ha lavorato come architetto in Italia dal 1996 al 2000 e in particolare in Umbria dopo il terremoto del 1998.
Nel 2000 ha fatto parte di un gruppo di architetti, guidati del prof Giovanni Carbonara, per il progetto di restauro del chiostro medioevale del Monastero dei Ss Quattro Coronati in Roma, patrocinato dalla Getty Foundation.
In 2001 she moved to the UK and worked for Giles Quarme and Associates, working on several listed buildings among them the Grade I 16th century mansion of Great Fosters and restoration and extension of a major Victorian artist’s studio house in Tite street.
In 2003 she worked with Paul Bryant – head of the Survey Department of English Heritage, with a proposal for a new display of the English copy of the Trajan Column in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Laura’s interests lie in the analysis of the history of buildings and the conservation of their materiality, which are key instruments in the preservation of historic and artistic integrity of our Heritage.
She is presently working on the Stationers Hall project and on the conservation and development project of the Soane Stables Block at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. She is a Guardian for the SPAB.
“Laura and Britt will be discussing the GeM Award—the Gloria Trevisan and Marco Gottardi memorial scholarship fund—at the Querini Stampalia at 17:30 on 24 March. REGISTER for the session here..
BRITT HARWOOD is a conservation architect based in Yorkshire. She joined the SPAB in 1997 when she was still a student after returning from an Erasmus Scholarship in Rome.
She is a passionate advocate of the SPAB approach to the repair of historic buildings and to their campaigning spirit.
Britt was elected to the SPAB Guardian’s Committee in 2011 and served until 2018 when she joined the Casework Committee. She stood down in 2020 but has continued to report on casework in the North of England.
Britt has been involved with SPAB Working Parties since 2013 and in 2020 she received the Anthony Goode Award for dedication to the cause of SPAB volunteer working parties.
In 2014 Britt was invited to join the panel of judges for the John Betjeman Award for excellence of repair in Places of Worship. She is currently serving on the SPAB Technical and Research Panel.
SPAB. Società per la Protezione di Antichi Edifici
The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) is a conservation charity. It is based in the UK, but has branches in Ireland, Scotland and members across Europe and the rest of the world. The SPAB is the UK’s oldest building conservation body. It was founded in 1877 by a group centred on designer and campaigner William Morris. Over its 145 year history it has campaigned to save many buildings and has helped shape conservation legislation in the UK. It remains true to its Manifesto of 1877 and has recently interpreted these ideas in a new document called the SPAB Approach.
We have a distinct conservation philosophy, but SPAB’s focus has always been the practical and technical aspects of building conservation. This has been pursued through long-established training programmes, notably our Scholarship and Craft Fellowship schemes which include extensive travel and site-based learning. The SPAB also has a statutory role in the planning systems of England and Wales as an advisor.
We firmly support the protection systems that have been developed for historic buildings and sites in the UK. These are imperfect in some areas, but allow protection, while also offering some freedom of action over well-considered, routine maintenance and repair. As an example, the SPAB was able to repair the roof of its Old House Project building last year without the need to gain consent, despite its grade II* listed status. This flexibility helps our work, since it has allowed us to run working parties on historic sites where well-supervised volunteers and trainees can become involved in active building care and conservation work.
This approach has also been used to provide emergency assistance for ‘buildings at risk’. Examples will be shared at the conference, for discussion.
PETER JAMIESON BA Cantab MA London R.I.B.A., is a retired architect based in London. He trained at the University of Cambridge and at University College, London between 1959 and 1965.
He was a founding partner in the architectural practice of MacCormac Jamieson and Prichard from 1972 to 2000, which carried out a wide range of work including many residential buildings for the Cambridge and Oxford colleges.
Whilst at MacCormac Jamieson and Prichard he developed his interest in the reuse and conservation of historic buildings. This resulted in the office being involved in the conversion of buildings in the Historic Navy Dockyard at Portsmouth, the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, Cambridgeshire and an unrealised project at Temple Meads station, Bristol designed for the Great Western Railway by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Since leaving the partnership Peter Jamieson has applied his general architectural experience and interest to building conservation.
He is a member of The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings casework committee, a member of the Diocesan Advisory Committee on building work to churches within the Diocese of Southwark in London and chairman of the Friends of Czech Heritage.
Apart from his professional interest in historic buildings he has since his youth been involved in numerous volunteer projects both in the UK and in other European countries including the restoration of buildings, canals and railways.
He believes that many projects will never succeed without the help of volunteers and that they must therefore be recruited and trained to help.
The Czech lands, which comprise Bohemia and Moravia have always been the historic epicentre of Central Europe. At one time part of the Holy Roman Empire, the Austro Hungarian Empire, Czechoslovakia and now the Czech Republic. They were one of the most prosperous parts of Central Europe but in the 20th century suffered the Nazi invasion, the effects of the Second World War and the subsequent transformation of the Communist regime that followed. The result was that with the end of Communism, the vast accumulation of historic buildings, their settings and associated artefacts had suffered from severe neglect and abuse. A massive amount of investment and restoration work was required to repair the ravages.
The Czech Republic has one of the greatest concentrations of historic buildings of any country. The Friends of Czech Heritage was founded in 2007 to help draw attention to the plight of this rich inheritance and to promote its restoration. Building on contacts in the Czech Republic The Friends has developed a strategy, which has three main components:
– By means of a newsletter and events the promotion of Czech culture and the establishment of contacts at all levels in the Czech Republic.
– The use of grants to act as seed corn funding to enable a restoration project to get started and to encourage other grant giving bodies to contribute.
– The organisation of volunteer working parties to help in building restoration and to promote the concept of volunteering, which is very strong in the UK but for historic reasons not a part of Czech culture.
For historical reasons there was no tradition for the involvement of volunteers in the conservation movement in the Czech Republic. In the UK this tradition has underpinned the conservation movement since the advent of the National Trust in the latter part of the 19th century. It is now so ingrained that the preservation of UK heritage is dependent upon it.
Sustaining the traditional craft skills that are needed to continue the maintenance of historic buildings has become an increasing problem. Here the training of volunteers is imperative if a general decline is to be prevented. This has become an issue for both the UK and the Czech Republic and beyond. Those who took up the challenge in the past are now passing from the scene and it is becoming increasingly necessary to encourage a new generation to acquire the skills either in a professional capacity or as skilled volunteers.
FILIP TRUNEČKA (Trastam s.r.o) is a Czech master plasterer who lives in the village of Borsov in Moravia. He trained in the Czech Republic but also spent some years working with a building conservation company in England.
His work mostly consists of the restoration of historic buildings and in particular the production of lime plaster. He specialises in the repair and reinstatement of the original surfaces of vernacular buildings. He aims as far as possible to closely follow historical precedents in the production and application of historic coatings.
The plaster coatings he uses are prepared from slaked lime, which he prepares himself taking into account the colour and structure of the local raw materials, especially the local sand. He uses traditional technical procedures, which have largely been forgotten because they are time consuming. The use of historic tools is also important in order to match the original appearance.
He understands the importance of passing on his experience to other colleagues and building craftsmen who are involved in the repair of historic buildings. He has long cooperated with the Czech National Heritage Institute as a lecturer in trade workshops dealing with the renewal of lime plaster where he has also demonstrated his skills. But his completed restoration projects are the best example of his work.
He has recently been presented with a prestigious Czech award for his contribution to the continuance of historic plaster trade skills.
Filip Trunecka will talk about his experience with the conservation and restoration of historic buildings in the Czech Republic and in particular the importance of the structure, finish and colour of traditional lime plasters. He will also discuss the mixing ratios and selection of the correct sands for lime mortar and the range of finishes that can be achieved with different tool and techniques. This will also include the importance of using pure lime paints to achieve the correct appearance of historic buildings.>Tradiční stavební materiály – Trastam | Facebook
MAXINE WEBSTER-REYNOLDS MAXINE WEBSTER-REYNOLDS has lived between London and Cannaregio since 2003. Maxine trained as a theatre designer in London at The Central School of Arts & Crafts London which was initiated by William Morris & John Ruskin in 1896. Maxine graduated in 1983. Her clients included British Council & The National Theatre. Postgraduate education includes Royal College of Art & London Business School. Maxine has served as a Trustee for numerous charitable and educational institutions including The Voluntary Arts Network UK where she was active in the establishment of AMATEO The European Network for Active Participation in Cultural Activities and Friends Quaker School UK. Married to Eric Reynolds of Urban Space Management, they are active campaigners of saving and regenerating heritage sites. The most recent being Smithfield Market which is to be the home of the Museum of London. She is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. In 1994, Maxine co-founded with Peter Avery the charity 1st Framework.
1st FRAMEWORK (1F) esperienza, ruolo e contributo. experience, role and contribution. 1F is a charity with an ‘empty studio’ policy enabling it to assemble projects with new teams, spaces and schedules on each occasion. Exactly like a film crew. It is known for its cross-art form initiatives which take place in unconventional surroundings involving a rich variety of partner organisations in Sydney, New York, Berlin, Barcelona and Ireland.
The objective is to identify a shared aim and provide opportunities for organisations and individuals to harness their potential. Awards include 1st Prize European Year of Lifelong Learning and 1st Prize Londoners of the Year for Community Development. Its intergenerational work is radical and ambitious. A live project is a collaboration involving Dominique Pinchi’s ‘Shield of Achilles’ , last seen at Thetis, Venice. It is now on SS Robin London SS Robin London moored at The Royal Docks.
GRETA BRUSCHIis an architect, and graduated in “History and Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage” in 2002 and in “Architecture for Conservation” in 2005 from IUAV University of Venice. She obtained a Phd in “History of Architecture and Town Planning – Restoration and Conservation curriculum” in 2016 at Iuav. At present she is a Research Fellow (RdtA) in Restoration and Tutor at the Iuav School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape (SSIBAP). She is also Adjunct Professor in Restoration at the University of Udine, A.A. 2021-22.
She deals with issues related to the conservation of materials and architecture of the twentieth century as well as vulnerability in relation to seismic risk and resulting from climate change to the existing built.
DONATELLA CALABI has been chair-professor of “Urban History” at the University IUAV of Venice and visiting professor in several European and North American Universities.
Between 2002 and 2012 she led the PHD Program on History of Arts at the School for Advanced Studies of Venice. She worked on Town Planning between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a number of her books and papers also deal with the European City of the early modern times, particularly focusing on Market areas and on the place of the Minorities within the main important commercial Centres (Venice, among others).
Many of her essays have been translated into English, French, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.
ANTONELLA MIARELLIarchitect, graduated from IUAV in History and Conservation of environmental and architectonical heritage and in Architecture. She completed her studies in Argentina with research on the planes of Cordoba and Buenos Aires and the development of their historical centers. For an international cooperation, she handled the construction of a school in Indonesia, as part of a post Tzunami reconstruction project. She’s a specialist in both seismic emergency and acoustic problems connected to buildings and urban plans.
After the cooperating on the ‘greenways’ project focused on the development of ‘green corridors’ along some rivers of the Veneto, Antonella Miarelli opened her own office specializing in preservation of historical Venetian heritage.
Her direct onsite experience led her to reflect on the possibility of integrating sustainable preservation and traditional methods still used in Venice. With the help of local artisans and craftsmen, she’s researching solutions that both satisfied contemporary needs and respect of historical buildings.
To preserve the architectural heritage of a complex city like Venice, Greta works create a balance between current legislation, traditional methods and sustainable solutions.
GIORGIA OTTAVIANI, architect, grad. IUAV Venice University of Architecture, PhD. in Heritage Preservation Milan Polytechnic, after a professional activity in the field of Heritage Preservation. In 2010 she was hired as a university assistant and tutor at the University Iuav of Venice.
he began work at Museo Storico e Il Parco del Castello di Miramare in Trieste In 2018. There she is responsible for the care, preservation and management of the park and the pavilions located inside it.